Gustav Linge
Attorney at Law
Gustav Linge is a graduate at the faculty of law at Lund University. After law school he worked as a law clerk at Sölvesborg District Court in Blekinge, before becoming a member of the Swedish Bar Association in 1994. Gustav Linge has worked as a corporate lawyer at Europolitan and Vodafone, as well as an attorney and partner at the law firm of Gärde & Partners, Adacta Advokatbyrå and Advokatfirman Werner. Gustav Linge is also a member of the International Bar Association and gives recurrent lectures in IT law at The Institute of Information Technology. Gustav Linge is a Notary Public in the municipalties of Karlskrona and Ronneby.
Gustav Linge has been a member of the Swedish Bar Association Council during 2014 -2019.
Gustav Linge has participated as legal expert inSwedish Radio P 1, in the programme series Husesyn and Leva.
Gustav Linge was legal advisor to the Swedish Post- and Telecom Authority during 2004-2008.
Case in the Swedish Supreme Court. NJA 2014 s 978 (Travel Agency Case)
- Education: Master of Laws LL.M., University of Lund, 1988
- Telephone switchboard: +46 (0)455 69 40 00
- Fax: +46 (0)455 69 40 09
- Mobile: +46 (0)734 17 44 00
- Email:
- Address: Kungshuset, Landbrogatan 7, 371 34 Karlskrona
- Languages: Swedish and English
- Specializes in Business Law, Criminal Law, General Practice Law and Notary Public