Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is used to solve increasingly complex tasks. Larger amounts of data can, through AI, be analyzed by increasingly powerful, self-learning algorithms.
Advokatfirman Linge, together with the Blendow Lexnova, will conduct a test of AI-generated legal investigations for 6 months. With more than 200,000 legal sources in the database, AI can produce suggestions for solutions to legal problems, with references to legal rulings. The proposals for solutions presented by AI are then analyzed by Advokatfirman Linge’s lawyers, to check and ensure that the final legal investigation is correct and relevant.
By using AI, Advokatfirman Linge can faster and better review, and analyze, a large amount of legal sources.
Issues of integrity, attorney confidentiality and responsibility for advice given to clients are maintained in a legally secure and professional manner by Advokatfirman Linge, through the legal processing that takes place in the individual case. An ongoing evaluation of the AI use will take place during the test period.